**We can only accommodate the number of painters reserved per table. Extra seating is not guaranteed for non-painters. Thank you for your understanding.** We are excited to have you painting with us! We offer online reservations for up to 4 painters per group for 90 minutes painting sessions. ...
OPEN STUDIO PAINTING PARTY $150 party fee/rental fee + the cost of pottery selections + 15% service fee + tax. **Due to space limitation, the maximum number of guests for open studio party package is 12 (painters plus non-painters). Additional chair/table is not available for additional guest."...
PRIVATE PARTY PACKAGE – CLOSED STUDIO ::::Please read all information before booking your party:::: $300 STUDIO RENTAL FEE + POTTERY SELECTIONS + 15% SERVICE FEE + TAX. *A minimum of 15 ceramics/potteries purchase is required for private party.* Kindly be informed that only one check ...
The date and time you selected is the date/time you would like to come in to our studio to pick up the To-Go Party items. $250 TO-GO Party Fee + Price of ceramics + Tax. The party fee accommodates up to 15 painters. Party fee DOES NOT include ceramic/potteries. $250 TO-GO Party Fee Includes:. ...